New Tax Proposals and a Weak Wages Report

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Tax Working Group Meets December 15

The Legislative Tax Working Group will soon meet to discuss four proposed tax changes. Click here to read the agenda and the list of proposals. In the last legislative session, very dramatic tax bills were proposed that would have reduced General Fund revenue by up to $70 million per year. The new proposals currently on the table are more modest in scope when considered separately. The upcoming meeting will help the Working Group to decide if they wish to recommend the Legislature adopt any changes at all. The public is welcome to attend the session, which meets in WW02 at 8:30 a.m.

Idaho Wages Are 50th in Nation

You may have read a recent report in the Idaho Statesman describing Boise’s falling median wage. Wages, when adjusted for inflation, have fallen by 6.1% for the highest-paid workers since 2008. And, even more troubling, they have declined by 8.1% for our lowest-paid workers. Boise is now among the nation’s bottom 10 mid-sized metro areas when it comes to wage growth. As a state, Idaho fares even worse, leading only Mississippi when it comes to median wages among the 50 states plus D.C.

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