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Emilie Ritter Saunders reports:  Idaho Republican Party chairman Barry Peterson says the GOP’s position on creating a state-based health insurance exchange is “clear and irrefutable”. In advance of this afternoon’s Senate Commerce and Human Resources Committee vote on Gov. C.L. “Butch” Otter’s health exchange proposal, the party sent this statement to media and lawmakers:
The Idaho Republican Party today reminded the Idaho State Legislature that the state’s Republicans stand opposed to the creation of a state health insurance exchange. The reminder comes as the State Senate is considering Senate Bill 1042, which would create an insurance exchange under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act.
“The Idaho Republican Party’s position is clear and irrefutable. We want no part of Obamacare. We want the state to reject the implementation of a health insurance exchange. We want the state to appropriate no money for an insurance exchange, and we want Idaho to be among the growing number of states that have refused to go along with an insurance exchange,” said Idaho GOP Chairman Barry Peterson.
Peterson added, “We have a great respect for Governor Otter and the work he is doing. We believe he is sincere when he says he wants a state Insurance exchange to protect Idahoans from the federal government. However, the party is not convinced by Governor Otter’s arguments. A state insurance exchange doesn’t protect us from the federal government; it invites further federal control.”
Peterson noted that Governor Otter personally asked the Central Committee’s Resolution Committee to reject the resolution opposing a state insurance exchange, but the committee voted overwhelmingly in support of the resolution. Members of the Central Committee were also told of the Governor’s objections, but they too approved of the resolution.
“This is not about our Governor,” Peterson said. “This is about cementing in place a law that we believe will do great harm to our state and country. This issue is bigger than any one person. The Central Committee is asking that the state maintain its opposition to a state insurance exchange. Remember, the Idaho State Legislature passed the ‘Idaho Health Care Freedom Act’ in 2010, opposing any and all Obama healthcare programs. We whole-heartedly accept and support that law. If Idaho’s Republican lawmakers decide to embrace Obamacare, Idaho will be making it difficult for other states to continue their resistance.” – Idaho Republican Party

The Senate committee will take public comment on the health exchange today. A vote is expected at the panel’s 1:30 meeting. A live web-stream will be available here.

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